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A City Built On Mining

The Hanging Coffins of Chiatura

A City Built on Mining

Chiatura is a mining town located in a mountain valley on the banks of the Qvirila River in the Imereti region of Western Georgia, 182km from Tbilisi.

The city is known for its manganese mines, which have been in operation for over a century. In the 1980s, Chiatura was home to over 30,000 people. However, the collapse of the Soviet Union led to a decline in the mining industry, and the population of Chiatura has since dwindled to around 13,000.

A Unique Transportation System

Despite its decline, Chiatura remains a fascinating city. One of the most striking things about the city is its transportation system. The city is built on a steep hillside, and the only way to get around is by cable car. There are over 100 cable cars in Chiatura, and they are used to transport both people and goods.

The cable cars are a unique and unforgettable experience. They offer stunning views of the city and the surrounding mountains.

A City of Ghosts

In recent years, Chiatura has become known as a "city of ghosts." The city's population has declined, and many of the buildings are abandoned. This has given Chiatura an eerie and otherworldly atmosphere.

However, there is still life in Chiatura. The city's cable cars continue to operate, and there are still a few shops and restaurants open.

A Lasting Impression

Chiatura is a city that is both fascinating and haunting. Its unique transportation system, abandoned buildings, and stunning scenery make it a place that is unlike any other. If you are ever in Georgia, be sure to visit Chiatura. It is a city that will leave a lasting impression.
